Bisma Interaktif

by PT Sinergi Multi Servindo



The Bisma Interactive Application is an LMS application provided for schools that have collaborated with PT. Sinergi Multi Servindo as the provider of the Bisma Interactive Application platform. The Bisma Interactive application is used to manage and support several activities at school.The features provided by the Bisma Interactive Application can be grouped as follows:- Academic Management: Lesson schedule, information on school activities , student assessments, exam results reports, extracurricular activities, online exams and presence.- Financial Management: Student bill information, virtual number creation Bank accounts and transparent financial reports.- Personnel Management: Personnel data information.- Library Management: Information on school library book data.The Bisma Interactive application is designed to meet the needs of several parties such as the School Foundation, School Principal, School Treasurer, Teachers, Students and Parents.Features for School Foundations: Financial reports, information on school activities, staffing.Features for School Principals: Financial reports, information on school activities, staffing, attendance, information on school library book data.Features for Treasurers: financial reports.Features for Teachers: Teaching schedule, student assessment, attendance, exam monitoring, exam reports, extracurricular activities, school library book data information.Features for Students: Online exams, lesson schedules, information on school activities, exam results reports, extracurricular activities, attendance, information on library book data at school.Features for Parents: student billing information, school activity information, creation of virtual bank account numbers.